Honk! is the musical story of Hans Christian Anderson’s classic The Ugly Duckling. Witty and hilarious, but yet deeply moving, Honk! will treat you to equal amounts of laughter and tears. Fab Nobs Theatre are proud to present the Victorian premiere of this award-winning Best New Musical.
Honk! is the musical story of Hans Christian Anderson’s classic The Ugly Duckling. Witty and hilarious, but yet deeply moving, Honk! will treat you to equal amounts of laughter and tears. Fab Nobs Theatre are proud to present the Victorian premiere of this award-winning Best New Musical.
Production Team
- Director: Paul Watson
- Musical Director: Ryan Jacobs
- Choreographer: Lyndall McGregor
Drew Downing, Lizzie Matjacic, Callan Lewis, Michael Butler, Mark Sheedy, Jennie Kellaway, Megan Coe, Sheona Gregg, Jessica May, Melissa Trickey, Andrew McCormick, Pat Hill, Tania Chomenko, Maree Barnett, Brenton Cosier