Sesame Street meets the Muppets meets South Park meets Broadway. Avenue Q deals with a broad range of taboo themes which are rarely approached in the public domain, including songs entitled ‘If You Were Gay’, ‘Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist’, and ‘The Internet Is For Porn’.
Sesame Street meets the Muppets meets South Park meets Broadway. Avenue Q deals with a broad range of taboo themes which are rarely approached in the public domain, including songs entitled ‘If You Were Gay’, ‘Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist’, and ‘The Internet Is For Porn’.
- Director/Set Design – Tony Burge
- Musical Director – Danny Forward
- Assistant Director – Kate Warner
- Production Manager – Leane Gooding
- Set Design – Ian Puckey
- Sound Design – Shawn Kleuh
- Lighting Design – Jason Lord
- Kate/Lucy – Jess Barlow
- Princeton/Rod – Tim Oon
- Garry Colman – Ang Cuy
- Brian – Stuart Dodge
- Christmas Eve – Sarah Somers
- Trekkie/Nicky – Tim Addicoat
- Mrs Thistletwat/Ensemble – Nadia Gianinotti
- Stage Manager: Kerryn Puckey
- Assistant Stage Manager: Steve Cavell
- Advertising and Marketing: Sarah Somers
- Ticket Secretary: Anne King
- Crew: Hamish Anderson, Kate Warner, Leane Gooding
- Set Builders and Painters: Ian Puckey, Graham Andrew, Danny Matthews, Dianne Pope
- Flyer and Programme Design: Karl McNamara
- Lighting Operators: Danny Issko, Vanessa Burke, Brendon (Boags) Osborne
- Sound Operator: Shawn Klueh
- Video Animation: Karl McNamara
- Animation Apprentice: Hamish Anderson
- Front of House: Fab Nobs Committee and friends
- Keyboard 1: Danny Forward
- Keyboard 2: Martine Wengrow
- Drums / Percussion: Bryn Bowen
- Bass: Paul Congdon
- Guitar / Bango: Dave Banen
- Reeds: Glenn Taylor
Avenue Q - Fab Nobs PROGRAMME (4mb) |