Three female ‘Witches’, Alexandra Spofford, Jane Smart, and Sukie Rougemont, are frustrated and bored by their mundane lives in the town of Eastwick. A shared longing and desire for “all manner of man in one man” comes to life in the form of a charismatic stranger, a devil-like character, Darryl Van Horne. Seducing each of the women in turn, Darryl’s devilish influence sends Eastwick into a spiral of chaos and frenzy.
Three female ‘Witches’, Alexandra Spofford, Jane Smart, and Sukie Rougemont, are frustrated and bored by their mundane lives in the town of Eastwick. A shared longing and desire for “all manner of man in one man” comes to life in the form of a charismatic stranger, a devil-like character, Darryl Van Horne. Seducing each of the women in turn, Darryl’s devilish influence sends Eastwick into a spiral of chaos and frenzy.
Production Team
- Director – Anthony Miscamble
- Musical Director – Phil Haeusler
- Choreographer – Claire Vandali
- Production Manager – Keith Stubley
- Assistant Musical Director – David Youings
- Alexandra – Adrienne George
- Jane – Lauren Seymour
- Sukie – Britni Leslie
- Darryl – Andrew McDougall
- Felicia – Elizabeth Matjacic
- Clyde – Graham Andrew
- Jennifer – Imogen Whittaker
- Fidel – Chris Rogers
- Michael – Phill Davies
- Little Girl – Sienna Rowe
- Ensemble: Tamara Woolrych, Aimee John, Emma Harris, Maeghan McKenzie, Maria Roitman, Madeline Connolly, Daniel Cooper & Tim Haughton
- Lighting Design: Vanessa Burke
- Lighting Operation: Keith Stubley
- Sound Design: Michaela Philp & Peter Philp
- Sound Operation: Michaela Philp, Peter Philp & Lindsay Owen
- Costume Design: Colin Morley
- Properties: Katelyn Anitema
- Cello Hire: Sally Fleming (Watalotofprops)
- Set Design: Anthony Miscamble
- Stage Manager: Jen Aitchison
- Assistant Stage Manager: Gwen Kong Lane
- Set Construction: Warren Dodd, Andrew McDougall & Graham Andrew
- Headshots: Jonathon Reeves & Ryan Lim (Ovation Creative)
- Poster Design: Katelyn Anitema
- Programme Design: Maeghan McKenzie
- Publicity: Owen James
- Videography: Owen James
- Ticketing: Jennifer Pacey & TryBooking
- Set Painting: Graham, Chris, David, Madeline, Imogen, Andrew, Tim, Adrienne, Lauren, Maria
- Additional Orchestrations: David Youings & Phil Hausler
- Keyboard Programming: David Youings (Synthesis Keyboard Services)
- Keyboard 2 / Conductor: Phil Hauesler
- Keyboard 1: David Youings
- Reed 1: Christina Cirniglaro
- Reed 2: Alice Yeoman
- Trumpet 1: Sam Davies
- Trumpet 2: Dave Bowden
- Trombone: Basil Rizo
- Bass / Banjo: Darryl Barron
- Drums: Ryan Evans